What is BERTS?

We offer National Association for Search and Rescue (NASAR) educational courses in Introduction to Search and Rescue, Fundamentals of Search and Rescue, and Advanced Search and Rescue. We also offer NASAR certification exams for SARTECH I, SARTECH II and SARTECH III as well as workshops for SARTECH Evaluators, Lead Evaluators and Instructors. We offer numerous First-Aid, CPR, emergency oxygen, and wilderness medical courses through the American Health and Safety Institute (ASHI).  Additionally, we offer other courses and topics relating to emergency services, search and rescue.


BERTS is not the know all/end all. We take search research and theory, best practice, real world experience and put it into a structure for the student to use effectively both as volunteers and paid professionals. We use a hands-on approach to help you learn and be able to apply your skills. One advantage to the BERTS program is having two or more Instructors with advanced level search and rescue training who are NASAR SARTECH I’s, Wilderness-EMT’s or have other advanced wilderness medical training.   We bring multiple levels of SAR and real world perspectives to the classroom beyond the book. We are prior military, backpackers, and hunters. We are trained as professionals in emergency and public service disciplines such as Law Enforcement, Firefighting, EMS, Social Work, Rope Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, Underwater Rescue/Recovery, Lost Person Behavior, HAZMAT, SAR Incident Command, Public Education and Higher Education.  This is provided only to let you know our program is more than a “couple of guys” who simply regurgitate what comes from a book.


BERTS seeks to create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. Our school promotes a safe, orderly, caring, and supportive environment. We are committed to instilling in each student a desire to learn, to take appropriate risks, and to accept challenges that face them in the field. We must always remember, “This we do, so others may live.”

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