ISAR – Introduction to Search and Rescue (Course # 02)

This is NASAR’s introductory level educational class which offers more than a basic awareness level of what SAR is. It can be conducted in a classroom setting or done on-line via a self guided study and examination. It requires no equipment or resources beyond a textbook and does not require any field work or hands on training. This is a great course for persons who know they may not be working in the field due to age, physical limitations, or other reasons of choice but who may serve in a support position through Logistics, Base Communications Radio Operator(s), or other similar functions.

Per NASAR, the ISAR course is designed to provide knowledge concerning the general responsibilities, skills, abilities, and the equipment needed by persons who would be participating in a search or rescue mission. The course is based around rural and wilderness environments but the material is recommended as a base of knowledge for all SAR environments.

Who ISAR is geared for:
ISAR is the first educational course in a stepping stone approach to higher level NASAR courses of training for emergency personnel. It provides a common starting point in training for the new person to SAR and in many cases, an excellent refresher course for the more experience SAR worker. This common starting point provides continuity during SAR operations and future training of all team members.

Hours: The recommended number of hours for the course is (16) sixteen. ISAR is also designed to prepare the student for SARTECH III examination for certification, according to the knowledge objectives defined in the NASAR Certification Criteria for SARTECH III. More information about the ISAR course can be found at

Prerequisites: None

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