Featured Links
National Association of Search & Rescue
NASAR is an education association comprised of thousands of dedicated paid and nonpaid personnel – all active or interested in search and rescue, disaster aid, emergency medicine and awareness education. We are a self-supporting, nonprofit association acting as the country’s admirable servant in furthering the advancement of professional, literary and scientific knowledge and training in these fields. We are interested in all aspects of search and rescue – the humanitarian cause of saving lives – throughout the United States and around the world.
Website: http://www.nasar.org/
Phone: (703) 222-6277
Ohio Special Response Team
The Ohio Special Response Team (OSRT), Incorporated is a broad based response unit able to respond to a variety of emergencies and disasters in support of the civil authorities. Possessing a range of skills increases the value and versatility of the unit to the civil authorities. Members of the unit are trained to rigid standards in a number of skills to assure they can accomplish the assigned task(s).
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- Maintain a well trained volunteer force capable of supporting civil authorities with professionalism and integrity.
- To support local, State, and federal authorities in the event of a natural and/or man-made disasters or emergencies.
- To provide assistance to the authorities relating to non-disaster situations and/or incidents.
- To conduct training programs in subjects related to emergency response incidents and/or situations.
- To offer educational courses to the general public relating to the mission of the organization.
Website: http://www.ohiospecialresponseteam.org
Phone: (419) 528-0041
American Health and Safety Insitute
Health & Safety Institute (HSI), one of the leading emergency care and response training organizations in the world, joins together American Safety & Health Institute (ASHI), MEDIC First Aid, 24-7 EMS, 24-7 Fire, EMP Canada, First Safety Institute (FSI), and GotoAID.
Website: http://www.hsi.com/ASHI_PROGRAMS/
Mountain Rescue Association
The Mountain Rescue Association (MRA) was established in 1959 at Timberline Lodge at Mount Hood, Oregon making us the oldest Search and Rescue association in the United States.
The MRA is an organization of teams dedicated to saving lives through rescue and mountain safety education. We do so by improving the quality, availability, and safety of mountain search and rescue. With over 90 government authorized units, the MRA has grown to become the critical mountain search and rescue resource in the United States.
Website: http://www.MRA.org/
Ohio Search & Rescue Association
As the Ohio Search and Rescue Association, our mission is to provide a consistent, unified, expert voice on behalf of the Ohio search and rescue community, and to facilitate the development and maintenance of an effective search and rescue system in Ohio.
Website: http://ohiosarassociation.org/
Address: The Ohio Search and Rescue Association, 410 Rutland Ave., Akron, Ohio 44305
Emergency Management Institute – Course Listings
Question: Who can take FEMA’s Independent Study Courses?
Answer: The primary audience for the Independent Study Program is national emergency response and recovery personnel of the United States, as well as emergency management personnel of FEMA, and US citizens.
From: http://training.fema.gov/IS/isfaqdetails.asp?id=1&cat=General%20Questions
Website: http://training.fema.gov/IS/crslist.asp
Phone: (301) 447-1000
Air Force Rescue Coordination Center
As the United States’ inland search and rescue coordinator, the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center serves as the single agency responsible for coordinating on-land federal SAR activities in the 48 contiguous United States, Mexico and Canada.
The AFRCC operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The center directly ties in to the Federal Aviation Administration’s alerting system and the U.S. Mission Control Center. In addition to the Search and Rescue Satellite Aided Tracking information, the AFRCC computer system contains resource files that list federal and state organizations, which can conduct or assist in SAR efforts throughout North America.
Website: http://www.1af.acc.af.mil/units/afrcc/
Phone: (850) 283-5955
Sighting Compasses
Known for the unsurpassed accuracy of its compasses, the Silva® brand has been an essential among compass users since its founding by orienteer Björn Kjellström in 1946. Today, Silva offers compass designs ranging from beginner models to those for the experienced outdoor professional.
Website: http://store.silvacompass.com/category/345153/Sighting
Phone: (800) 572-8822
Personal Cryotherapy Products
The all-in-one mobile cryotherapy model ensures that any limb can be iced using CoolCorp’s patent-pending, on the go technology. This sleeve comes filled with our organic colling gel that creates full-surface area coverage surrounding the impacted area. The sleeve then can then be inflated to create the perfect cryotherapy sleeve by providing air compression in an equal air displacement process. Imagine a blood pressure cuff that not only compresses, but also ices while fashionable and convenient for your busy schedule. This patent-pending combination of cryotherapy and compression will allow you to ice injuries, aching joints, or fatigued muscles for accelerated healing and increased comfort from traditional icing methods. It’s about time that icing no longer becomes an inconvenience but rather a fashionable model of healthy recovery.
For the Search & Rescue Community, these products are a must have for anyone who overdoes-it training or has aches and pains in joints after a hard day in the field. The products are not isolated for human use. CoolCorp has branched out into the Equestrian market and some of their products may also benefit K9’s with joint injuries needing cryotherapy that will stay in place offering the combination of cold and compression evenly.
Website: //https://www.coolcorpinc.com
Phone: (574) 376-9264
Rescue Direct
Technical Rescue Equipment
B-E-R-T-S does not discriminate or require the use of a single or multiple retailers, companies, or suppliers for equipment for students. However, we are often asked where we get our equipment. First, always try to support your community and purchase locally. If you do not have a supplier which can meet your specialized or technical needs, we have found the guys at Rescue Direct to be top notch, know their products from personal experience, and provide excellence in quality and fast delivery. If you do not have a local supplier, give them a look. When you call, tell them, “Craig & Jerry at B-E-R-T-S said to call.”
Website: http://www.rescuedirect.com
Phone: (888) 667-7170
Additional Links
Kent County Search & Rescue – Kent County, MI
South Western Ohio Search And Rescue – OH
Tyler County Office of Emergency Management – Tyler County, WV
Michigan Backcountry Search & Rescue (MiBARS) – MI
A & M Aquatics, LLC – OH
Buckeye Search & Rescue Dogs – OH