FUNSAR – Fundamentals of Search and Rescue (Course #03)

The Fundamentals of Search and Rescue (FUNSAR) course is the second, intermediate level of NASAR courses. It provides knowledge concerning the general responsibilities, skills, abilities, and the equipment needed by persons who are assigned to field operations during a SAR mission. FUNSAR is for the person who has no knowledge of SAR but a willingness to help their fellow many all the way up to the most seasoned backpacker, hunter, military, and other interested personnel. It is an A-Z of what SAR is, how it works, tools, resources, NIMS (National Incident Mgt. System), ICS (Incident Command System), and hands-on field practicals to put your skills into action. One main focus is land navigation without electronic devices…using a compass and map. It is very comprehensive and the candidate who passes the course is competent and able to independently navigate, plot on maps, read maps, and lead many other trained medical personnel to the location of persons in distress.

The FUNSAR course also provides the student with a practice search mission where the students are required to have the proper equipment and stay out in the field during daylight and nighttime operations. The course content includes topics in three major areas: survival and support, search and rescue. This course is based around the rural and wilderness environments but the material is recommended as a basis for all SAR environments.

FUNSAR provides a common point in training for the new person to SAR and allows them to learn what to accumulate as the required clothing and equipment needed for SAR operations in their own community. The course also provides practical experience during simulated SAR operations and in many cases is an excellent refresher course for the more experienced SAR worker. This common starting point provides continuity during SAR operations and future training of all team members.

FUNSAR is the NASAR required prerequisite course designed to prepare the student to challenge the SARTECH II certification exam, according the knowledge objectives defined in the NASAR certification criteria for SARTECH II.

Who FUNSAR is geared for:
We have had students from all walks of life from EMS, retired persons, law enforcement, career firefighters, students, farmers, factory workers, doctors, K-9 handlers, teachers, dentists,  expedition guides, athletes, backpackers, hikers, hunters, boy scouts & leaders, PHD’s, military (all branches including cost guard and civil air patrol), Emergency Mgt. Agency personnel, nurses, college professors, bar tenders, and…ANYONE.

NASAR suggests:
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  • Those interested in becoming involved or have just become involved with search and rescue operations.
  • SAR personnel who would like to maintain or refresh their knowledge of search and rescue.
  • Emergency response personnel who belong to organizations who provide resources and assistance during search and rescue missions.
  • Managers of emergency response organizations who want to understand the state of the art skills and knowledge needed by the SAR workers.
  • Community members and groups (scouts, hunters, hikers, etc.) that have an interest in safety and preventative SAR operations.


Hours: The recommended number of hours for the course is (47) forty-seven. However, BERTS uses a venue of 53 hours to ensure all topics are adequately covered. The course is usually conducted over two weekends starting on Friday around 2:00 p.m. but can be taught (5) five days straight. We tailor the class to the needs of the host group.

Prerequisites: FEMA IS-100 (free on FEMA’s web training), and Wilderness First Aid or higher; local state’s Emergency First Responder card, Wilderness First Responder, EMT, National Ski Patrol’s Outdoor Emergency Care, or Paramedic; NOTE: this does not include nurses or MD). 

Additional Information: This course is often combined with a SARTECH II exam. When combined, there is a reduced cost.
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